
Receiving the sacrament of Confirmation confirms the promises made at Baptism and is one of the sacraments of initiation into the Church when we are “sealed with the Holy Spirit”.

Children, usually in 5th or 6th class are prepared for this sacrament by their parents, the parish and the school together as they participate in the preparation programme in the school and in the parish. The sacrament is usually administered by the Bishop of the Diocese or his delegate between March and May in the parish.
Adults who are participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) will be confirmed immediately after Baptism and before receiving the Eucharist for the first time, usually as part of the Easter Vigil in the parish.

Adults who have been baptised as Christians and now wish to come into full communion in the Catholic Church will also participate in the RCIA programme and receive the sacrament of Confirmation before receiving First Eucharist – again this is usually at the parish Easter Vigil.

Adults or children/teenagers who have not received Confirmation at the age of 11 or 12 and request the sacrament of Confirmation will participate in a preparation programme here in the parish before the sacrament is administered to them.
For all enquiries please contact the Parish Priest.