Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments and is the rite that make us members of the Church. It is the gateway to the reception of all the sacraments.
Booking your baby’s baptism
The Baptism Registration Form is available at the Parish Office. It is essential that this form along with a copy of your child’s Civil Birth Certificate is returned to the Parish Office at least two weeks prior to your child’s Baptism.
If you live outside the parish and wish to have your baby baptised in Our Lady Crowned Church you are asked to have a letter from your own parish where you reside allowing the baptism to take place.
Parish Baptismal Preparation Team
A member of the Parish Baptism Team will phone you to arrange a suitable time for preparation.
Meetings will take place at the church at a time suitable to you. At this meeting, we shall discuss the baptism ceremony and answer any queries that you may have.
Members of the Parish Baptismal Team:
Members of the Baptismal Preparation Team
Geraldine Kirwin
Breeda Grealish
Kay Brosnan
Ruth Mc Laughlin
Lily Cronin
Helen Crowley
For further information please contact.
The Parish Office
Our Lady Crowned Church,
Silversprings Road,
Cork T23 K377
Telephone: 021-4551276