Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Some General Guidelines for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Bishops, priests and deacons are the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion. However, help is regularly needed in the majority of parishes. This assistance is given by Ministers of Holy Communion. These ministers serve Christ present in the assembly by ministering his Body and Blood to their brothers and sisters. They may also serve the unity of the worshiping community by taking Communion to those members who are prevented by sickness, old age, or other cause from taking part in the gathering for Mass. In accord with an ancient tradition, it is appropriate for Communion to be taken directly from the Sunday Eucharist to the sick and to those unable to leave their homes.
Celebrating the Mass (CTM) Articles 44-46

The Extraordinary Ministry of the Eucharist is an important part of the Eucharistic Celebration here in our parish. We are grateful to our team who are involved in our weekday and Sunday Masses.
If you are interested in being part of the team please contact Fr Charlie Kiely on 021-4551276

What does a Minister of the Eucharist do?
The Eucharistic Minister offers communion to other members of the community at Mass, or brings communion to those who are unable to attend Mass;
The Eucharistic Minister assists the celebrant at Mass in sharing the sacred Body and Blood of Christ;
The Eucharistic Minister acts on behalf of the community when s/he brings communion to the sick or housebound.

Practical Suggestions as you prepare:
Take some time to prepare yourself for your ministry before Mass…be conscious of the role you play at this Eucharist;
Be comfortable in the role – take time to be familiar with the sanctuary here in our church.
Pray for those to whom you will minister;
Be comfortable in what you are wearing;
If you cannot attend the Mass you are on the rota for, please inform the Parish Office / Sacristy on 021 4551276