The Finance Committee is guided by the Norms for Parish Finance Committees of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Finance Committee Members
Teresa O’Kelly – Chair
Teresa Lee – Secretary
John O’Mahony
Helen Crowley
Helen McHenry
Very Rev Charles Kiely PP
Pat O’Leary (ex officio)
Parish Finances
In 2020 the Diocese of Cork and Ross introduced a new way how parishioners can contribute to your parish for the upkeep and maintenance of the church, grounds and utilities. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic many churches were closed under the first lot of restrictions along with further restrictions where churches were open for private prayer but not Public Mass. As a result people were unable to contribute to the upkeep of their parish faith community through the weekly Offertory Collection. This meant a substantial reduction in income for parishes throughout the diocese including Our Lady Crowned Church here in Mayfield.
The diocese introduced online payments for those who wish to use this method of contributing, and they engaged the services of Easy Payment Plus to manage our online payments. A Donate Button has been added to our Website and Facebook Page. This is a safe, confidential and convenient online method for making a once-off or recurring donations to your parish, the diocese or your local clergy.
There is also a standing order method to support your parish by using the Parish IBAN number – a pdf is attached here with the letter Fr Charlie sent to all parishioners before Christmas 2020.
Rebate on Income Tax.
This system already operates here in Our Lady Crowned Church for a number of years. Simply, if a parishioner donates €250 or more in a year, the parish can claim a refund of tax paid on that donation at a specified rate currently 30%. In the case of a donation of €500, this equates to an additional benefit through the tax refund of €224 at no additional cost to the individual and will bring the total value of the donation made to €724 – any payments made by standing order or through the online donate facility will also qualify. For further information on how your parish might benefit from a tax refund – please contact the Parish Office on 021-4551276 or
Further details are available on the Revenue website.